Think about that quote for a minute and really take it in. A lot of times we block our own happiness by harboring a lot of things that we should of let go a long time ago, including myself.
My own struggle with finding my happiness is still an everyday battle. A lot of days I cry and other days I’m all smiles and laughter, but everyday, my mind is a non stop locomotive train on an infinite track going hundreds of miles per hour.
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Since I've been embarking on this journey with my art, I made a vow to myself, as well as those who've come to witness this journey with me, that I would be as open and authentic as I can. My pieces are all driven by feelings and emotions. "Bed of Roses" is no different. Out of all of my paintings, this piece took the most amount of time. 8 days and over 30 hours of dedication. For a while I've been telling myself that I wanted to work on a piece that required me to take my time, to teach me patience.
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Dear Lovebug,
How are you? I know you may not read this, probably never will, and that's perfectly okay. This open letter will allow me to get my feelings out...I NEED to get theses feelings out. I don't care what anyone thinks, what anyone else has to say. I absolutely don't care. You've blocked me everywhere but I don't care, I will get my feelings out and have my voice heard even if that means it has to go through the whole world and internet...
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Yesterday's painting REALLY had me trippin', thinking "am I going crazy?" for two reasons:
The video playback was flipped horizontally. When I'm finished going live and I look back over the recording, every video the paint is on the right side as it SHOULD be. However, for some strange reason yesterday, when I finished going live and looked over the video I was VERY confused.
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It's been about a week since I wrote a blog post so I figure it's bout due time for one to update those that are interested in my journey on my feelings. So far I've been feeling GREAT! I'm starting to become more in tune and one with my spirit as each day goes by. I now listen to her more closely. I get so impulsive to paint now, it's starting to become a habit...almost like an addiction if you shall say.
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Today is December 14, 2016 currently typing this at 5:56pm to express my thoughts and feelings more thoroughly after this past week and "wow!" is all I can really say.
I really don't know what it is that is prompting me to record my experience LIVE in front of everyone but I am enjoying it. I always, ALWAYS get sooooo nervous because I'm about to let everyone see me in raw form when it comes to my passion.
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