Crooked Smile / by Miche

“The Queen With The Crooked Smile” September 15, 2019. All artwork and images are copyrighted. All rights reserved

“The Queen With The Crooked Smile” September 15, 2019. All artwork and images are copyrighted. All rights reserved

Perhaps upon looking at her you automatically think Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland and I must admit, that did have a big inspiration on me. I love the craziness that we all have become familiar with about Alice in Wonderland. Did I know what I was going to create when I picked up my brush? The answer to that is No. When it comes to a lot of my surrealism pieces I never have a real concrete concept in my head, I simply go by an inner voice that keep telling me “I want to paint” over and over like a broken record. Like my piece Key To Happiness, I started off with one color, red, and just let the creativity flow from there and that’s how I ended up with the piece you see above.

As I was creating this piece, I’ve become very attached to it. It’s like my Mona Lisa, Miche’s Mona Lisa. I didn’t want to give her such a generic name like the Queen of Hearts. I felt like everyone would expect that but if you know Miche than you know not to expect anything. Therefore, I named her The Queen With The Crooked Smile. Poised in her royal checkered garment, flushed of her bright red color you may be wondering where is the smile? She smiles meekly and crooked therefor you know she is not perfect but she still is royal. But the question that remains, why is she flushed in the face of her color?